Thursday, May 15, 2008

WCA sponsors the Alpha Cashflow Club to have meeting at Sky Song in Scottsdale on May 22 at 6:30 pm

Have you ever been part of a group that changed your life forever? I have. For me, that group has been the Alpha Cashflow Club.

The meetings changed my whole paradigm of thought. I learned to think in abundance. I learned what it meant to manage a balance statement. How to accrue assets verses liabilities. And I learned all of playing a game.

The club is based upon playing the game Cashflow as designed by the Rich Dad Company. The focus is to train people how to get out of the rat race. How do you do that? When you have enough money coming in the door without having to work for it, then you have made it out. So if you still hold a J-O-B, then there are some lessons for you to learn that the club can teach you.

The Alpha Cashflow Club is headed up by Jovan Will and Kas Randolph, two of my good friends. The mission statement is to elevate the financial intelligence of the local community by promoting personal growth through education, and by developing relationships that support and encourage members to achieve financial freedom”.

I remember my first time at cashflow like it was yesterday (insert nostalgic flashback here). There was just over 10 of us meeting in the waiting room of a doctors office. There was very little room to move around, and the room was stifling hot. When I first went, I didn’t know what to expect. What I got was some of the best lessons in personal finance that I could ever hope for.

Now the club has hundreds of members, and has a dedicated following. It has come very far, and with the help of the Wealth Creation Alliance, it is about to meet at its next bench mark.

The club will be meeting at the Sky Song in Scottsdale next Thursday, May 22, at 6:30 pm. Sky Song is one of ASU’s newest initiatives to promote global entrepreneurship and innovative. One of its directives is to connect the world through technology, and that is something it does very well. The club will be living in the Global room, (201). The first time this room was used was by 14 NFL players to give a free webinar for children around the country to ask them questions and offer inspiration.

Skysong is home to a diverse crowd from Ticketmaster, to the Venture Capital firm Finao, to international companies from Turkey, Germany, China, and many other countries. It’s no wonder the Alpha Cashflow club has been drawn to Sky Song with all of its global initiatives. Jovan Will, director of the club just got back from a whirlwind trip through Europe where he was furthering the reach and impact of financial intelligence throughout the European community with the Rich Dad company. He met many unique individuals there that have been successful in their own businesses, and strive to see others make a dramatic impact in their lives as well.

I am a testament to the club. It made a great difference in my life. It encouraged me to become a real estate investor, and it was the launching pad for the Wealth Creation Alliance, a group focused on helping individuals invest into performing assets. The club has many members that have already made it out of the rat race. Some of these individuals have become my mentors in my life and business.

So with all of that, I highly encourage you to make the Alpha Cashflow Clubs one of the groups you might go to. At the meeting, we will be introducing Rich Dad’s Cashflow® 101 Kit, a series of ten teachings designed by Robert Kiyosaki and specially engineered to accelerate the learning experience of each player. No matter who you are and where you are in life, we can all benefit from more financial intelligence. So check out the club, and build your network and financial intelligence at the same time.


DATE: Thursday, May 22, 2008

TIME: 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

LOCATION: Skysong Room 201, 1475 North Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85257

For more information and future meetings go to:

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